
This is the technology that I will need in order to complete my project

Computer – I will need a computer in order to complete my project; access wordpress, access websites for research and also work on Adobe apps. I have a desktop computer at home which I will use to be able to complete my project.

Adobe products – I will need to use some Adobe products to design my logo and also to help create my prototype. I have these Adobe apps at home as part of a organisation that I work for. I can also use these adobe software in college if needed .

Marvel App – I will use the Marvel app for creating my prototype. This is a free website and all I have to do is create a account on the website to use it.

Microsoft Excel – I have used this to be able to create my project plan, I have gained the Microsoft package from college and able to use it from home.

Health & Safety

I will use general health & safety when using computers, long intense sessions of using computer can lead to potential health risks such as: Upper limb disorders, eye problems, headaches and stress. RSI can affect the hands, arms, elbows and eyes. Working on the computer for long excessive hours can lead to fatigue and then cause for a less effect work. Taking frequent breaks can help reduce strain on the person

Legal Implications

For each piece of research that I am doing towards my project i have credited where I have sourced the information. All software that I have used i have either purchased or received rights to use it.

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